Diversity has recently become one of the most trending topics in the media and entertainment industry. But embracing diversity isn't only about doing the right thing. We understand the power of images in the media. They can educate. They can uplift. They can feed implicit biases that unconsciously inform attitudes and perceptions throughout the world. Diversity in popular movies and television series matters because an accurate portrayal of society affects both the over-and under-represented groups of society. Whereas an inaccurate, often offensive portrayal is harmful to both entire communities and also individual people. Here are some companies committed to their diversity policies.
A diverse newsroom is essential for media institutions that pride themselves on providing well-researched, complex stories that explore different perspectives and voices. The news content the media provides should be an accurate reflection of the diverse society it serves As such, to reflect this society, we need to make sure that journalists from different cultures, religions and genders are represented. It’s not just about providing different perspectives and viewpoints. Media institutions need to ensure that their newsroom culture reflects the diverse news content they’re producing, otherwise, audiences may question their authenticity.